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Management Update 34

Site statistics

A fast dump of stats on my way to the airport (in UK until October). 

Articles published: 34, Comments published: 1510, Not published: 43 = 2.8% back up to a more normal proportion: Marilyn and Eliot between them accounted for most of these.

Unique visitors: >21,000, total visitors: >39,000 (the stats month at the host finishes at 5pm on the 1st, which will be after I've left, so can't put final numbers here)


Income: $30, expenses: $13, bank balance: $2468.46. Google ad revenue accrued: US$12

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I wonder whether David Roffey took the $2468.46 with him to the UK.

Fiona: Even for you, Alan Curran, that is despicable.


Fiona, it was meant as a joke, if I have offended anybody I am truly sorry.

Please pass this on to David.

Fiona: On David's and Webdiary's behalf, I am happy to accept your apology, Alan. Thank you.


A net profit of 57% is bloody good, Alan. Sounds like a good investment.


And the staff got paid, like, how much?


Income $30, expenses $13: a profit of $17, all done without the help of Mike Carlton. I hope the management of Fairfax reads this.

A probability > 0

"Income $30, expenses $13: a profit of $17, all done without the help of Mike Carlton. I hope the management of Fairfax reads this."

Good chance they already have, Alan. They probably wrote it.

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
